FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
sqlstatements.h File Reference
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const char * check_scheduler_tables
const char * url_checkout
const char * select_upload_fk
const char * upload_common
const char * folder_name
const char * parent_folder_name
const char * upload_name
const char * upload_pk
const char * jobsql_email
const char * jobsql_email_job
const char * basic_checkout
const char * jobsql_information
const char * jobsql_started
const char * jobsql_complete
const char * jobsql_restart
const char * jobsql_failed
const char * jobsql_processed
const char * jobsql_paused
const char * jobsql_log
const char * jobsql_priority
const char * jobsql_anyrunnable
const char * jobsql_jobendbits
const char * jobsql_resetqueue
const char * jobsql_jobinfo
const char * smtp_values

Detailed Description

This file declares all the sql statements used in the scheduler. This should only be included once in the databace.c file.

Definition in file sqlstatements.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ basic_checkout

const char* basic_checkout
Initial value:
" SELECT jobqueue.* FROM jobqueue INNER JOIN job ON job_pk = jq_job_fk "
" WHERE jq_starttime IS NULL AND jq_end_bits < 2 "
" AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM jobdepends, jobqueue jdep "
" WHERE jdep_jq_fk=jobqueue.jq_pk "
" AND jdep_jq_depends_fk=jdep.jq_pk"
" AND NOT(jdep.jq_endtime IS NOT NULL AND jdep.jq_end_bits < 2)) "
" ORDER BY job_priority DESC "
" LIMIT 10;"

Get the jobs which are not yet queued by the scheduler

Definition at line 109 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ check_scheduler_tables

const char* check_scheduler_tables
Initial value:
" SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns "
" WHERE table_catalog = '%s' "
" AND table_schema = 'public' "
" AND table_name = "

Check column names for a given table

Definition at line 22 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ folder_name

const char* folder_name
Initial value:
" SELECT folder_name, folder_pk FROM folder "
" LEFT JOIN foldercontents ON folder_pk = foldercontents.parent_fk "
" LEFT JOIN job ON child_id = job_upload_fk "
" LEFT JOIN jobqueue ON jq_job_fk = job_pk "
" WHERE jq_pk = %d;"

For a given job id, get the folder name and folder id

Definition at line 54 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_anyrunnable

const char* jobsql_anyrunnable
Initial value:
" SELECT * FROM jobqueue "
" WHERE jq_starttime IS NULL AND jq_end_bits < 2 "
" AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM jobdepends, jobqueue jdep "
" WHERE jdep_jq_fk=jobqueue.jq_pk "
" AND jdep_jq_depends_fk=jdep.jq_pk"
" AND NOT(jdep.jq_endtime IS NOT NULL AND jdep.jq_end_bits < 2))"
" AND jq_job_fk = (SELECT jq_job_fk FROM jobqueue queue WHERE queue.jq_pk = %d)"

Get all jobs from job queue which are runnable for a given job id

Definition at line 214 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_complete

const char* jobsql_complete
Initial value:
" UPDATE jobqueue "
" SET jq_endtime = now(), "
" jq_end_bits = jq_end_bits | 1, "
" jq_schedinfo = null, "
" jq_endtext = 'Completed' "
" WHERE jq_pk = '%d';"

Mark the given job id as completed

Definition at line 140 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_email

const char* jobsql_email
Initial value:
" SELECT user_name, user_email, email_notify FROM users, upload "
" WHERE user_pk = user_fk "
" AND upload_pk = %d;"

For a given upload id, get the user's name, email and email preference

Definition at line 92 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_email_job

const char* jobsql_email_job
Initial value:
" SELECT user_name, user_email, email_notify FROM users, job, jobqueue "
" WHERE user_pk = job_user_fk AND job_pk = jq_job_fk "
" AND jq_pk = %d;"

For a given job id, get the user's name, email and email preference

Definition at line 100 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_failed

const char* jobsql_failed
Initial value:
" UPDATE jobqueue "
" SET jq_endtime = now(), "
" jq_end_bits = jq_end_bits | 2, "
" jq_schedinfo = null, "
" jq_endtext = '%s' "
" WHERE jq_pk = '%d';"

Mark the given job id as failed

Definition at line 164 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_information

const char* jobsql_information
Initial value:
" SELECT user_pk, job_priority, job_group_fk as group_pk FROM users "
" LEFT JOIN job ON job_user_fk = user_pk "
" WHERE job_pk = '%s';"

For a given job id, get the job information

Definition at line 122 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_jobendbits

const char* jobsql_jobendbits
Initial value:
" SELECT jq_pk, jq_end_bits FROM jobqueue "
" WHERE jq_job_fk = ( "
" SELECT jq_job_fk FROM jobqueue "
" WHERE jq_pk = %d "
" );"

Get the job id and job end bits for the given job id

Definition at line 226 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_jobinfo

const char* jobsql_jobinfo
Initial value:
" SELECT * FROM jobqueue "
" WHERE jq_job_fk = ( "
" SELECT jq_job_fk FROM jobqueue "
" WHERE jq_pk = %d "
" );"

Get the job information for a given job id

Definition at line 246 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_log

const char* jobsql_log
Initial value:
" UPDATE jobqueue "
" SET jq_log = '%s' "
" WHERE jq_pk = '%d';"

Get the log location for the given job id

Definition at line 196 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_paused

const char* jobsql_paused
Initial value:
" UPDATE jobqueue "
" SET jq_endtext = 'Paused', "
" jq_starttime = ( CASE "
" WHEN jq_starttime IS NULL "
" THEN CAST('9999-12-31' AS timestamp with time zone) "
" ELSE jq_starttime "
" END ) "
" WHERE jq_pk = '%d';"

Mark the given job id as paused

Definition at line 183 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_priority

const char* jobsql_priority
Initial value:
" UPDATE job "
" SET job_priority = '%d' "
" WHERE job_pk IN ( "
" SELECT jq_job_fk FROM jobqueue "
" WHERE jq_pk = '%d');"

Change the priority of the given job id

Definition at line 204 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_processed

const char* jobsql_processed
Initial value:
" Update jobqueue "
" SET jq_itemsprocessed = %d "
" WHERE jq_pk = '%d';"

Update the items processed for the given job id

Definition at line 175 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_resetqueue

const char* jobsql_resetqueue
Initial value:
"UPDATE jobqueue "
" SET jq_starttime=null, "
" jq_endtext=null, "
" jq_schedinfo=null "
" WHERE jq_endtime is NULL;"

Reset the job queue for jobs with end time as NULL

Definition at line 236 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_restart

const char* jobsql_restart
Initial value:
" UPDATE jobqueue "
" SET jq_endtext = 'Restarted', "
" jq_starttime = ( CASE "
" WHEN jq_starttime = CAST('9999-12-31' AS timestamp with time zone) "
" THEN null "
" ELSE jq_starttime "
" END ) "
" WHERE jq_pk = '%d';"

Mark the given job id as restarted

Definition at line 151 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ jobsql_started

const char* jobsql_started
Initial value:
" UPDATE jobqueue "
" SET jq_starttime = now(), "
" jq_schedinfo ='%s.%d', "
" jq_endtext = 'Started' "
" WHERE jq_pk = '%d';"

Mark the given job id as started

Definition at line 130 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ parent_folder_name

const char* parent_folder_name
Initial value:
" SELECT folder_name, folder_pk FROM folder "
" INNER JOIN foldercontents ON folder_pk=foldercontents.parent_fk "
" WHERE child_id = %d AND foldercontents_mode = 1;"

For a given folder id, get the folder name and folder id of the immediate parent

Definition at line 65 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ select_upload_fk

const char* select_upload_fk
Initial value:
" SELECT job_upload_fk FROM job, jobqueue "
" WHERE jq_job_fk = job_pk "
" AND jq_pk = %d;"

For a given job queue id, get the upload id

Definition at line 38 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ smtp_values

const char* smtp_values
Initial value:
" SELECT conf_value, variablename FROM sysconfig "
" WHERE variablename LIKE 'SMTP%';"

Get the SMTP (email) values for the sysconfig table

Definition at line 256 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ upload_common

const char* upload_common
Initial value:
" SELECT * FROM jobqueue "
" LEFT JOIN job ON jq_job_fk = job_pk"
" WHERE job.job_upload_fk = %d;"

For a given upload id, get job and job queue

Definition at line 46 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ upload_name

const char* upload_name
Initial value:
" SELECT upload_filename FROM upload "
" LEFT JOIN job ON upload_pk = job_upload_fk "
" LEFT JOIN jobqueue ON jq_job_fk = job_pk "
" WHERE jq_pk = %d;"

For a given job id, get the upload file name

Definition at line 73 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ upload_pk

const char* upload_pk
Initial value:
" SELECT upload_fk, uploadtree_pk FROM uploadtree "
" LEFT JOIN job ON upload_fk = job_upload_fk "
" LEFT JOIN jobqueue ON jq_job_fk = job_pk "
" WHERE parent IS NULL"
" AND jq_pk = %d;"

For a given job id, get the upload id and upload tree

Definition at line 82 of file sqlstatements.h.

◆ url_checkout

const char* url_checkout
Initial value:
" SELECT conf_value FROM sysconfig "
" WHERE variablename = 'FOSSologyURL';"

Get the FOSSologyURL from sysconfig table

Definition at line 31 of file sqlstatements.h.