FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
bootstrap.php File Reference

Fossology system bootstrap This file may be DUPLICATED in any php utility that needs to bootstrap itself. More...

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 bootstrap ()
 Bootstrap the fossology test system. More...

Detailed Description

Fossology system bootstrap This file may be DUPLICATED in any php utility that needs to bootstrap itself.


Definition in file bootstrap.php.

Function Documentation

◆ bootstrap()

bootstrap ( )

Bootstrap the fossology test system.

  • Determine SYSCONFDIR
  • parse fossology.conf

The following precedence is used to resolve SYSCONFDIR:

  • $SYSCONFDIR path passed in
  • environment variable SYSCONFDIR
  • ./fossology.rc
the $SysConf array of values. The first array dimension is the group, the second is the variable name. For example:
  • $SysConf[DIRECTORIES][MODDIR] => "/mymoduledir/

The global $SYSCONFDIR is also set for backward compatibility.

\Note Since so many files expect directory paths that used to be in pathinclude.php to be global, this function will define the same globals (everything in the DIRECTORIES section of fossology.conf).

Definition at line 37 of file bootstrap.php.