FOSSology  4.4.0
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
1 <?php
2 /*
3  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2008 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
5  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
6 */
23 function addProxy($sysConfPath, $proxy='')
24 {
25  if(file_exists($sysConfPath . '/fossology.conf'))
26  {
27  $fossConf = file_get_contents($sysConfPath . '/fossology.conf');
28  if($fossConf === FALSE)
29  {
30  echo "ERROR! could not read\n$sysConfPath/fossology.conf\n";
31  return(FALSE);
32  }
33  $count = 0;
34  $pat = ';no_proxy = localhost,';
35  $replacepat = $pat . "\n" . 'http_proxy = ' . $proxy . "\n";
36  //echo "replacepat is:$replacepat\n";
37  $testConf = preg_replace("/.*?no_proxy = .*/", $replacepat, $fossConf,-1,$count);
38  //echo "DB: matched pats is:$count\n";
39  //echo "DB: testConf is:$testConf\n";
41  $stat = file_put_contents("$sysConfPath/fossology.conf",$testConf);
42  if($stat === FALSE)
43  {
44  echo "ERROR! could not write\n$sysConfPath/fossology.conf\n";
45  return(FALSE);
46  }
47  }
48  else
49  {
50  echo "ERROR! can't find fossology.conf at:\n$sysConfPath/fossology.conf\n";
51  return(FALSE);
52  }
53  return(TRUE);
54 }
68 function allFilePaths($dir) {
70  $fileList = array();
71  if(empty($dir)) {
72  return($fileList); // nothing to process, return empty list.
73  }
74  try {
75  foreach(new recursiveIteratorIterator(
76  new recursiveDirectoryIterator($dir)) as $file) {
77  $fileList[] = $file->getPathName($file);
78  }
79  return($fileList);
80  }
81  /*
82  * if the directory does not exist or the directory or a sub directory
83  * does not have sufficent permissions for reading return an empty list
84  */
85  catch(Exception $e) {
86  print $e->getMessage();
87  return(array());
88  }
89 } //allFilePaths
99 function backToParent($howFar)
100 {
101  if(empty($howFar))
102  {
103  echo "FATAL! No input at line " . __LINE__ . " in " . __FILE__ . "\n";
104  exit(1);
105  }
107  $here = getcwd();
109  if(@chdir($howFar) == FALSE)
110  {
111  echo "FATAL! could not cd from:\n$here to:\n$howFar\n" .
112  "at line " . __LINE__ . " in " . __FILE__ . "\n";
113  exit(1);
115  }
116 } // backToParent
131 function checkTestData()
132 {
135  if(array_key_exists('WORKSPACE', $_ENV))
136  {
138  }
139  if(is_null($WORKSPACE))
140  {
141  // cd to ....fossology/src
142  backToParent('..');
143  }
144  else
145  {
146  if(@chdir($WORKSPACE . "/fossology/src") === FALSE)
147  {
148  echo "FATAL! runRUnit could not cd to " . $WORKSPACE . "/fossology/src\n";
149  exit(1);
150  }
151  }
152  $home = getcwd();
153  $dirs = explode('/',$home);
154  $size = count($dirs);
155  // are we being run by jenkins? if we are not in fossology/tests, cd there
156  if($dirs[$size-1] == 'workspace' )
157  {
158  if(chdir('fossology/tests') === FALSE)
159  {
160  echo "FATAL! Cannot cd to fossology/tests from" . getcwd() . "\n";
161  exit(1);
162  }
163  $home = getcwd(); // home should now be ...workspace/fossology/tests
164  }
166  $redHatPath = 'nomos/testdata';
167  $unpackTestFile = '../ununpack/agent_tests/test-data/testdata4unpack/argmatch.c.gz';
168  $unpackTests = '../ununpack/agent_tests';
169  $redHatDataFile = 'RedHat.tar.gz';
170  $unpackDataFile = 'unpack-test-data.tar.bz2';
171  $wgetOptions = ' -a wget.log --tries=3 ';
172  $proxy = 'export;';
173  $Url = '';
175  $errors = 0;
176  // check/install RedHat.tar.gz
178  /*
179  if(!file_exists($redHatPath . "/" . $redHatDataFile))
180  {
181  if(chdir($redHatPath) === FALSE)
182  {
183  echo "ERROR! could not cd to $redHatPath, cannot download $redHatDataFile\n";
184  $errors++;
185  }
186  $cmd = $proxy . "wget" . $wgetOptions . $Url . $redHatDataFile;
187  $last = exec($cmd, $wgetOut, $wgetRtn);
188  if($wgetRtn != 0)
189  {
190  echo "ERROR! Download of $Url$redHatDataFile failed\n";
191  echo "Errors were:\n$last\n";print_r($wgetOut) . "\n";
192  $errors++;
193  }
194  }
195  else
197  if(chdir($home) === FALSE)
198  {
199  echo "FATAL! could not cd to $home\n";
200  exit(1);
201  }
202  */
204  // check/install ununpack data
205  echo "downloading unpack data.....\n";
206  if(!file_exists($unpackTestFile))
207  {
208  echo "$unpackTestFile DOES NOT EXIST!, need to download data files...\n";
209  if(chdir($unpackTests) === FALSE)
210  {
211  echo "FATAL! cannot cd to $unpackTests\n";
212  exit(1);
213  }
214  $cmd = $proxy . "wget" . $wgetOptions . $Url . '/' . $unpackDataFile;
215  $unpkLast = exec($cmd, $unpkOut, $unpkRtn);
216  if($unpkRtn != 0)
217  {
218  echo "ERROR! Download of $Url$unpackDataFile failed\n";
219  echo "Errors were:\n";print_r($unpkOut) . "\n";
220  $errors++;
221  }
222  // unpack the tar file.
223  $cmd = "tar -xf $unpackDataFile";
224  $tarLast = exec($cmd, $tarOut, $tarRtn);
225  if($tarRtn != 0)
226  {
227  echo "ERROR! un tar of $unpackDataFile failed\n";
228  echo "Errors were:\n$tarLast\n";print_r($tarOut) . "\n";
229  $errors++;
230  }
231  }
233  if($errors)
234  {
235  exit(1);
236  }
237  exit(0);
238 } // checkTestData
245 function cleanXMLFiles()
246 {
247  global $unitList;
248  reset($unitList);
249  foreach($unitList as $unitTest)
250  {
251  $other = substr($unitTest, 0, 3);
252  if($other == 'lib' || $other == 'cli')
253  {
254  if(@chdir($unitTest . '/tests') === FALSE)
255  {
256  echo "Error! cannot cd to " . $unitTest . "/tests, skipping test\n";
257  $failures++;
258  continue;
259  }
260  }
261  else
262  {
263  if(@chdir($unitTest . '/agent_tests/Unit') === FALSE)
264  {
265  echo "Error! cannot cd to " . $unitTest . "/agent_tests/Unit, skipping test\n";
266  $failures++;
267  continue;
268  }
269  }
270  foreach(glob("$unitTest*.xml") as $fName)
271  {
272  $lsOut = array();
273  $rmOut = array();
274  $fileName = lcfirst($fName);
275  $last = exec("rm $fileName", $rmOut, $rmRtn);
276  if($rmRtn != 0)
277  {
278  echo "Notice: could not remove $filename, please remove by hand\n";
279  }
280  } // foreach
281  backToParent('../../..');
282  } // foreach
283  return;
284 }
293 function escapeDots($string)
294 {
295  if (empty ($string))
296  {
297  return (FALSE);
298  }
299  $estring = preg_replace('/\./', '\\.', $string);
300  //print "ED: string is:$string, estring is:$estring\n";
301  if ($estring === NULL)
302  {
303  return (FALSE);
304  }
305  return ($estring);
306 } //escapeDots
308 function lastDir($dirpath) {
309  // can't have a tailing slash, remove it if there
310  $dirpath = rtrim($dirpath, '/');
311  $directories = explode('/',$dirpath);
312  return(end($directories));
313 }
328 function filesByDir($dir) {
330  $ByDir = array();
331  $fileList = array();
332  $subPath = '';
334  if(empty($dir)) {
335  return($fileList); // nothing to process, return empty list.
336  }
338  try {
339  $dirObject = new recursiveIteratorIterator(
340  new recursiveDirectoryIterator($dir),RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
341  // dirobjs is recusiveIteratorIterator object
342  foreach($dirObject as $name) {
344  $aSubPath = $dirObject->getSubPath();
346  /*
347  * if we changed subpaths, we are in a new sub-dir, reset the file list
348  */
349  if($aSubPath != $subPath) {
350  //print "DB: fileByDir: asb != sb, Init fileList!\n";
351  $fileList = array();
352  }
354  if(is_file($name)) {
355  $subPath = $dirObject->getSubPath();
356  $spn = $dirObject->getSubPathName();
357  $subDir = dirname($spn);
358  if($subDir == $aSubPath) {
359  $fileName = $dirObject->getFilename();
360  $fileList[] = $fileName;
361  }
362  }
363  if (empty($subPath)){
364  continue;
365  }
366  else {
367  if(empty($fileList)){
368  continue;
369  }
370  $ByDir[$subPath] = $fileList;
371  }
373  /* Debug
374  *
375  $subPath = $dirObject->getSubPath();
376  print "DB: fileByDir: subpath is:$subPath\n";
377  $sbn = $dirObject->getSubPathName();
378  print "DB: fileByDir: subpathname is:$sbn\n";
379  $dirpath = $dirObject->getPath();
380  print "DB: fileByDir: dirpath is:$dirpath\n";
382  */
384  } // foreach
385  //print "DB: fileByDir: ByDir is:\n ";print_r($ByDir) . "\n";
386  return($ByDir);
387  }
389  /*
390  if the directory does not exist or the directory or a sub directory
391  does not have sufficent permissions for reading return an empty list
392  */
393  catch(Exception $e) {
394  //print "in exception!\n$e\n";
395  return(array());
396  }
397 } // fileByDir
405 class RunTest
406 {
407  public $makeOutput = array();
408  protected $unitTest;
409  protected $makeErrors;
410  protected $cunitErrors;
411  protected $phpunitErrors;
413  function __construct($unitTest)
414  {
415  $this->unitTest = $unitTest;
416  $this->makeErrors = FALSE;
417  $this->cunitErrors = FALSE;
418  $this->phpunitErrors = FALSE;
419  }
437  function MakeTest()
438  {
440  $results = array(
441  'name'=> $this->unitTest,
442  'make' => FALSE,
443  'cunit' => FALSE,
444  'phpunit' => FALSE,
445  'notest' => FALSE,
446  'other' => NULL,
447  'nomosfunc' => NULL,
448  );
450  $cleanMake = exec('make clean 2>&1', $cleanOut, $cleanRtn);
451  if($cleanRtn != 0)
452  {
453  echo "Make clean of $this->unitTest did not succeed, return code:$cleanRtn\n";
454  // right now this is not reported as an error
455  // @todo figure out how to handle this. Make clean failures should not
456  // cause make to not be done.
457  }
458  //echo "ComTest: sysconfdir from globals is:{$GLOBALS['SYSCONFDIR']}\n";
459  $s = getenv('SYSCONFDIR');
460  //echo "DB: sysconfdir from env before make of $this->unitTest is:$s\n";
461  $lastMake = exec('make test 2>&1', $this->makeOutput, $makeRtn);
462  //echo "DB: Exit status of 'make test' of $this->unitTest is:$makeRtn\n";
463  //debugprint($this->makeOutput, "make output\n");
465  if($makeRtn != 0)
466  {
467  $found = array();
468  $found = preg_grep('/No rule to make target/', $this->makeOutput);
469  if($found)
470  {
471  $results['notest'] = TRUE;
472  //echo "No Unit Tests for module $unitTest\n";
473  }
474  else
475  {
476  // check for real make errors and test errors.
477  if($this->CheckMakeErrors(implode("\n", $this->makeOutput)))
478  {
479  //echo "Error! There were make errors for unit test $unitTest\n";
480  $results['make'] = TRUE;
481  }
482  if($this->checkCunitTestErrors(implode("\n", $this->makeOutput)))
483  {
484  $results['cunit'] = TRUE;
485  /*
486  $pattern = $this->unitTest . "_Tests summary:";
487  $found = array_search($pattern, $this->makeOutput);
488  if($found !== FALSE)
489  {
490  echo implode("\n", array_slice($this->makeOutput, -7)) . "\n";
491  }
492  */
493  }
494  if($this->checkPHPTestErrors(implode("\n", $this->makeOutput)))
495  {
496  $results['phpunit'] = TRUE;
497  }
498  $other = $this->CheckOtherErrors(implode("\n", $this->makeOutput));
499  if($other)
500  {
501  $results['other'] = $other;
502  }
503  }
504  return($results);
505  }
506  // Make returned zero
507  else
508  {
509  // no tests for is module? Skip report processing
510  $nothing = array();
511  $nothing= preg_grep("/Nothing to be done for \`test\'/", $this->makeOutput);
512  //echo "grep for Nothing to... is:\n";print_r($nothing) . "\n";
513  $noTests = array();
514  $noTests= preg_grep('/NO.*TESTS/', $this->makeOutput);
515  //echo "grep for NoTests to... is:\n";print_r($noTests) . "\n";
516  if($nothing or $noTests)
517  {
518  //echo "No Unit Tests for module $unitTest\n";
519  $results['notest'] = TRUE;
520  }
521  // There can be Cunit failures, check for them
522  if($this->checkCunitTestErrors(implode("\n", $this->makeOutput)))
523  {
524  $results['cunit'] = TRUE;
525  /*
526  $pattern = $this->unitTest . "_Tests summary:";
527  $found = array_search($pattern, $this->makeOutput);
528  if($found !== FALSE)
529  {
530  echo implode("\n", array_slice($this->makeOutput, -7)) . "\n";
531  }
532  */
533  }
534  return($results);
535  }
536  }// MakeTest
538  /*
539  * @todo see if checkMake and check Test Error functions can be combined into
540  * a single routine, checkPattern($string, $pat), returns boolean.
541  */
547  function CheckMakeErrors($makeString)
548  {
549  $matched = 0;
550  $matches = array();
552  $pat = '/make.*?Error\s[0-9]+/';
553  $matched = preg_match($pat, $makeString, $matches);
555  //echo "DB: matched is:$matched\n";
556  //echo "DB: this->makeOutput is:$this->makeOutput\n";
557  return($matched);
558  } // checkMakeErrors
567  function CheckCunitTestErrors($makeString)
568  {
569  $matched = 0;
570  $matches = array();
572  $pat = '/Number of failures:.*/';
573  $matched = preg_match($pat, $makeString, $matches);
574  if($matched == 0)
575  {
576  return(FALSE);
577  }
578  $number = explode(':', $matches[0]);
579  $value = trim($number[1]);
580  if($value > 0)
581  {
582  return(TRUE);
583  }
584  return(FALSE);
585  } // CheckCunitTestErrors
594  function CheckPHPTestErrors($makeString)
595  {
596  $matched = 0;
597  $matches = array();
599  $pat = '/FAILURES/';
600  $matched = preg_match($pat, $makeString, $matches);
601  return($matched);
603  } // CheckPHPTestErrors
614  function CheckOtherErrors($makeString)
615  {
616  $matched = 0;
617  $matches = array();
619  $patterns = array('/.*\serror\s.*/', '/.*\sfault.*/');
620  foreach ($patterns as $pattern)
621  {
622  $matched = 0;
623  $matches = array();
624  $matched = preg_match($pattern, $makeString, $matches);
625  if($matched)
626  {
627  //debugprint($matches, "Found one: matches is:\n");
628  return($matches[0]);
629  }
630  }
631  return(implode("\n",$matches));
632  }
643  function printResults($runResults)
644  {
645  global $failures;
647  $failures = 0;
648  $cunitMake = FALSE;
649  $phpunitMake = FALSE;
651  $test = $runResults['name'];
652  unset($runResults['name']);
654  if($runResults['make'] === TRUE && $runResults['cunit'] === TRUE)
655  {
656  $cunitMake = TRUE;
657  //echo "DB: both make and cunit are true, both has been set\n";
658  }
659  if($runResults['make'] === TRUE && $runResults['phpunit'] === TRUE)
660  {
661  $phpunitMake = TRUE;
662  //echo "DB: both make and phpunit are true, both has been set\n";
663  }
665  foreach($runResults as $key => $value)
666  {
667  switch($key)
668  {
669  case 'make':
670  if($value === TRUE)
671  {
672  if($cunitMake || $phpunitMake)
673  {
674  break;
675  }
676  echo "Error: there were $key errors for $test\n";
677  echo implode("\n", array_slice($this->makeOutput, -7)) . "\n";
678  $failures++;
679  break;
680  }
681  case 'cunit':
682  if($value === TRUE)
683  {
684  echo "There were $key errors for $test\n";
685  $pattern = $this->unitTest . "_Tests summary:";
686  $found = array_search($pattern, $this->makeOutput);
687  if($found !== FALSE)
688  {
689  echo implode("\n", array_slice($this->makeOutput, -7)) . "\n";
690  }
691  $failures++;
692  break;
693  }
694  case 'phpunit':
695  if($value === TRUE)
696  {
697  echo "Error: there were $key errors for $test\n";
698  echo implode("\n", array_slice($this->makeOutput, -7)) . "\n";
699  $failures++;
700  break;
701  }
702  case 'notest':
703  if($value === TRUE)
704  {
705  echo "No tests for $test\n";
706  $failures++;
707  break;
708  }
709  case 'other':
710  if(empty($value))
711  {
712  break;
713  }
714  echo "Other errors for $test:\n";
715  echo $value . "\n";
716  $failures++;
717  break;
718  case 'nomosfunc':
719  if(empty($value))
720  {
721  break;
722  }
723  echo "Nomos diff errors for $test:\n";
724  echo $value . " diffs.\n";
725  $failures++;
726  break;
727  }
728  } //foreach $runResults
729  if($failures == 0)
730  {
731  echo "All tests passed for $test\n";
732  }
733  return ;
734  }
735 } // class RunTest
737 function debugprint($val, $title)
738 {
739  echo $title . "\n";
740  print_r($val);
741  echo "\n";
742 }
749 function MakeCover($unitTest)
750 {
751  if(empty($unitTest))
752  {
753  return(NULL);
754  }
756  // make coverage
757  $lastCovr = exec('make coverage 2>&1', $covrOut, $covrRtn);
758  //echo "DB: Exit status of 'make coverage' of $unitTest is:$covrRtn\n";
759  $Cover = new RunTest($unitTest);
760  if($covrRtn != 0)
761  {
762  if($Cover->checkMakeErrors(implode("\n", $covrOut)))
763  {
764  echo "Error: 'make coverage' of $unitTest did not succeed, " .
765  "return code:$covrRtn\n";
766  $covrOut = array();
767  return($unitTest);
768  }
769  }
770  return(NULL);
771 }
class for making an agent unit or functional test
print the result array. This will print any informative messages including erorrs that may have occur...
check for the word FAILURES in the output, this is what PHPUnit prints when there are any failures in...
Check for other common error strings.
make tests in a directory and check output for errors and no tests.
check the output of make for errors
check the test output for cunit style failures
debugprint($val, $title)
Print debug message.
Definition: common-ui.php:89
char * trim(char *ptext)
Trimming whitespace.
Definition: fossconfig.c:690