FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 <?php
2 /*
3  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: © 2011-2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
5  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
6 */
13 define("TITLE_ADMIN_SCHEDULER", _("Scheduler Administration"));
20 {
21  var $error_info = "";
22  public $operation_array;
24  function __construct()
25  {
26  $this->Name = "admin_scheduler";
27  $this->Title = TITLE_ADMIN_SCHEDULER;
28  $this->MenuList = "Admin::Scheduler";
29  $this->DBaccess = PLUGIN_DB_ADMIN;
30  $this->operation_array = array
31  (
32  "status" => array(_("Status"), _("Display job or scheduler status.")),
33  "database" => array(_("Check job queue"),_("Check for new jobs.")),
34  "reload" => array(_("Reload"), _("Reload fossology.conf.")),
35  "agents" => array(_("Agents"), _("Show a list of enabled agents.")),
36  "verbose" => array(_("Verbose"), _("Change the verbosity level of the scheduler or a job.")),
37  "stop" => array(_("Shutdown Scheduler"), _("Shutdown the scheduler gracefully and stop all background processing. This can take a while for all the agents to quit.")),
38  // "start" => array(_("Start Scheduler"), _("Start Scheduler.")),
39  // "restarts" => array(_("Restart Scheduler"), _("Restart Scheduler.")),
40  "restart" => array(_("Unpause a job"), _("Unpause a job.")),
41  "pause" => array(_("Pause a running job"), _("Pause a running job.")),
42  "priority" => array(_("Priority"), _("Change the priority of a job."))
43  );
44  parent::__construct();
45  }
52  {
53  $V = "";
54  foreach ($this->operation_array as $key => $value) {
55  $V .= "<option value='$key'>$value[0]</option>";
56  }
57  return $V;
58  }
64  function JobListOption()
65  {
66  $job_list_option = "<option value='0'>scheduler</option>";
67  $operation = GetParm('operation', PARM_TEXT);
68  if ("stop" === $operation) {
69  return $job_list_option;
70  }
71  $job_array = GetRunnableJobList(); /* get all job list */
72  if (!empty($job_array)) {
73  foreach ($job_array as $job_id) {
74  $job_list_option .= "<option value='$job_id'>$job_id</option>";
75  }
76  }
77  return $job_list_option;
78  }
85  public function GetOperationText($operation)
86  {
87  $operation_text = '';
88  $job_id = GetParm('job_list', PARM_TEXT);
89  if ('0' == $job_id) {
90  $text = _("scheduler");
91  $job_type = $text;
92  } else {
93  $text = _("job");
94  $job_type = "$text $job_id";
95  }
96  switch ($operation) {
97  case 'status':
98  $text = _("Status of the");
99  $operation_text = "$text $job_type";
100  break;
101  case 'database':
102  $text = "Scheduler checked the job queue";
103  $operation_text = $text;
104  break;
105  case 'reload':
106  $text = _("Configuration information for the agents and hosts reloaded");
107  $operation_text = $text;
108  break;
109  case 'agents':
110  $text = _("Get list of valid agents");
111  $operation_text = $text;
112  break;
113  case 'verbose':
114  $level_id = GetParm('level_list', PARM_TEXT);
115  $verbose_level = log($level_id + 1, 2);
116  $text1 = _("Change the verbosity level of the");
117  $text2 = _("as");
118  $operation_text = "$text1 $job_type $text2 $verbose_level";
119  break;
120  case 'stop':
121  $text = _("Shutdown Scheduler");
122  $operation_text = $text;
123  break;
124  case 'start':
125  $text = _("Start Scheduler");
126  $operation_text = $text;
127  break;
128  case 'restarts':
129  $text = _("Restart Scheduler");
130  $operation_text = $text;
131  break;
132  case 'restart':
133  $text = _("Restart the");
134  $operation_text = "$text $job_type";
135  break;
136  case 'pause':
137  $text = _("Pause the");
138  $operation_text = "$text $job_type";
139  break;
140  case 'priority':
141  $priority_id = GetParm('priority_list', PARM_TEXT);
142  $text1 = _("Change the priority of the");
143  $text2 = _("as");
144  $operation_text = "$text1 $job_type $text2 $priority_id";
145  break;
146  }
147  return $operation_text;
148  }
158  public function OperationSubmit($operation, $job_id, $priority_id, $level_id)
159  {
160  if ("start" === $operation) {
161  // start the scheduler
162  $commu_status = fo_communicate_with_scheduler('status',
163  $response_from_scheduler, $this->error_info);
164  if ($commu_status) {
165  // the scheduler is running
166  $response_from_scheduler = "Warning, the scheduler is running";
167  } else {
168  // start the stopped scheduler
169  $this->error_info = null;
170  $this->StartScheduler();
171  return $this->error_info;
172  }
173  } else if ("restarts" === $operation) { // restart the scheduler
174  $this->StartScheduler('restarts');
175  return $this->error_info;
176  }
177  $commands = $operation;
178  if (! empty($job_id) && 'scheduler' != $job_id) {
179  $commands .= " $job_id";
180  }
181  if (isset($priority_id)) {
182  $commands .= " $priority_id";
183  }
184  if (! empty($level_id)) {
185  $commands .= " $level_id";
186  }
187  $commands = trim($commands);
188  $commu_status = fo_communicate_with_scheduler($commands,
189  $response_from_scheduler, $this->error_info);
190  return $response_from_scheduler . $this->error_info;
191  } // OperationSubmit()
197  function StartScheduler($operation = '')
198  {
199  if ($operation) {
200  $command = "/etc/init.d/fossology restart >/dev/null 2>&1";
201  } else {
202  $command = "/etc/init.d/fossology start >/dev/null 2>&1";
203  }
204  $lastline = system($command, $rc);
205  if ($rc) {
206  $this->error_info = " Failed to start the scheduler, return value is: $rc.";
207  }
208  }
210  public function Output()
211  {
212  $V="";
213  $status_msg = "";
215  $operation = GetParm('operation', PARM_TEXT);
216  $job_id = GetParm('job_list', PARM_TEXT);
217  $priority_id = GetParm('priority_list', PARM_TEXT);
218  $level_id = GetParm('level_list', PARM_TEXT);
219  if (! empty($operation)) {
220  $report = "";
221  $response_from_scheduler = $this->OperationSubmit($operation, $job_id,
222  $priority_id, $level_id);
223  $operation_text = $this->GetOperationText($operation);
224  if (empty($this->error_info)) {
225  $text = _("successfully");
226  $status_msg .= "$operation_text $text.";
227  if (! empty($response_from_scheduler)) {
228  $report .= "<hr style='border-style:dashed'>"; // Add one dashed line
229  $report .= $response_from_scheduler;
230  }
231  } else {
232  $text = _("failed");
233  $status_msg .= "$operation_text $text.";
234  $report .= $this->error_info;
235  }
236  $this->vars['message'] = $status_msg . $report;
237  }
239  $text = _("List of operations:");
240  $V.= $text;
241  $V.= "<ul>";
242  foreach ($this->operation_array as $value) {
243  $V .= "<li><b>$value[0]</b>: $value[1]</li>";
244  }
245  $V.= "</ul>";
246  $V.= "<hr>";
248  $text = _("Select an operation");
249  $V.= "<form id='operation_form' method='post'>";
250  $V.= "<p><li>$text: ";
251  $V.= "<select name='operation' id='operation' onchange='OperationSwich_Get(\""
252  . Traceback_uri() . "?mod=ajax_admin_scheduler&operation=\"+this.value)'<br />\n";
253  $V.= $this->OperationListOption();
254  $V.= "</select>\n";
255  $V.= "<br><br>";
256  $V.= "<div id='div_operation'>";
257  $text = _("Select the scheduler or a job");
258  $V.= "$text: <select name='job_list' id='job_list'>";
259  $V.= $this->JobListOption('status');
260  $V.= "</select>";
261  $V.= "</div>";
262  $V .= "<hr>";
263  $text = _("Submit");
264  $V.= "<input type='submit' value='$text' />\n";
265  $V.= "</form>";
267  $choice = ActiveHTTPscript("OperationSwich");
268  $choice .= "<script language='javascript'>\n
269  function OperationSwich_Reply()\n
270  {\n
271  if ((OperationSwich.readyState==4) && (OperationSwich.status==200)) \n
272  {\n
273  document.getElementById('div_operation').innerHTML = OperationSwich.responseText;\n
274  }\n
275  }\n
276  </script>\n";
277  $V.= $choice;
279  return $V;
280  }
281 }
282 $NewPlugin = new admin_scheduler;
283 $NewPlugin->Initialize();
This is the Plugin class. All plugins should:
Definition: FO_Plugin.php:57
This is a class for operations on the scheduler from GUI.
get the operation list
This function is called when user output is requested. This function is responsible for content....
base constructor. Most plugins will just use this
start the scheduler
OperationSubmit($operation, $job_id, $priority_id, $level_id)
submit the specified operation
get the job list for the operation 'status'
get the related operation text, e.g. the operation text of 'stop' is 'Shutdown Schedule'
ActiveHTTPscript($RequestName, $IncludeScriptTags=1)
Given a function name, create the JavaScript needed for doing the request.
Get the URI without query to this location.
Definition: common-parm.php:97
Definition: common-parm.php:20
GetParm($parameterName, $parameterType)
This function will retrieve the variables and check data types.
Definition: common-parm.php:46
fo_communicate_with_scheduler($input, &$output, &$error_msg)
Communicate with scheduler, send commands to the scheduler, then get the output.
Get runnable job list, the process is below:
char * trim(char *ptext)
Trimming whitespace.
Definition: fossconfig.c:690
Plugin requires admin level permission on DB.
Definition: libfossology.h:39