FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
agent.c File Reference

Contains agent related information. More...

#include <agent.h>
#include <database.h>
#include <event.h>
#include <host.h>
#include <job.h>
#include <logging.h>
#include <scheduler.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <glib.h>
Include dependency graph for agent.c:

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struct  agent_spawn_args


#define TEST_NULV(a)
 Test if paramater is NULL. More...
#define TEST_NULL(a, ret)
 Test if paramater is NULL. More...
#define AGENT_ERROR(...)
#define AGENT_NOTIFY(...)
#define AGENT_WARNING(...)
#define SELECT_STRING(passed)   MK_STRING_LIT(AGENT_##passed),
#define MAX_CMD_ARGS   30


static int agent_close_fd (int *pid_ptr, agent_t *agent, agent_t *excepted)
 This will close all of the agent's pipes. More...
static int update (int *pid_ptr, agent_t *agent, gpointer unused)
static int agent_kill_traverse (int *pid, agent_t *agent, gpointer unused)
 GTraversalFunction that kills all of the agents. More...
static int agent_list (char *name, meta_agent_t *ma, GOutputStream *ostr)
 GTraverseFunction that will print the name of every agent in alphabetical order separated by spaces. More...
static int agent_test (const gchar *name, meta_agent_t *ma, scheduler_t *scheduler)
 GTraversalFunction that tests the current agent on every host. More...
static void agent_listen (scheduler_t *scheduler, agent_t *agent)
static void shell_parse (char *confdir, int user_id, int group_id, char *input, char *jq_cmd_args, int jobId, int *argc, char ***argv)
 Parses the shell command that is found in the configuration file. More...
static void * agent_spawn (agent_spawn_args *pass)
 Spawns a new agent using the command passed in using the meta agent. More...
meta_agent_tmeta_agent_init (char *name, char *cmd, int max, int spc)
 Creates a new meta agent. More...
void meta_agent_destroy (meta_agent_t *ma)
agent_tagent_init (scheduler_t *scheduler, host_t *host, job_t *job)
 Allocate and spawn a new agent. More...
void agent_destroy (agent_t *agent)
 Frees the memory associated with an agent. More...
void agent_death_event (scheduler_t *scheduler, pid_t *pid)
void agent_create_event (scheduler_t *scheduler, agent_t *agent)
 Event created when a new agent has been created. More...
void agent_ready_event (scheduler_t *scheduler, agent_t *agent)
 Event created when an agent is ready for more data. More...
void agent_update_event (scheduler_t *scheduler, void *unused)
void agent_fail_event (scheduler_t *scheduler, agent_t *agent)
 Fails an agent. More...
void list_agents_event (scheduler_t *scheduler, GOutputStream *ostr)
 Receive agent on interface. More...
void agent_transition (agent_t *agent, agent_status new_status)
void agent_pause (agent_t *agent)
void agent_unpause (agent_t *agent)
void agent_print_status (agent_t *agent, GOutputStream *ostr)
 Prints the status of the agent to the output stream provided. More...
void agent_kill (agent_t *agent)
 Unclean kill of an agent. More...
int aprintf (agent_t *agent, const char *fmt,...)
ssize_t agent_write (agent_t *agent, const void *buf, int count)
void test_agents (scheduler_t *scheduler)
 Calls the agent test function for every type of agent. More...
void kill_agents (scheduler_t *scheduler)
 Call the agent_kill function for every agent within the system. More...
int add_meta_agent (GTree *meta_agents, char *name, char *cmd, int max, int spc)
int is_meta_special (meta_agent_t *ma, int special_type)
 tests if a particular meta agent has a specific special flag set More...
int is_agent_special (agent_t *agent, int special_type)
 tests if a particular agent has a specific special flag set More...
void meta_agent_increase_count (meta_agent_t *ma)
void meta_agent_decrease_count (meta_agent_t *ma)


const char * agent_status_strings []

Detailed Description

Contains agent related information.

Change the "<date> <time> scheduler ::" to "<date> <time> agent ::" for some log messages

Definition in file agent.c.

Macro Definition Documentation


do { \
con_printf(job_log(agent->owner), __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
log_t * job_log(job_t *job)
Definition: job.c:637

Send logging specifically to the agent log file

Definition at line 97 of file agent.c.


log_printf("JOB[%d].%s[%d.%s]: ", agent->owner->id, agent->type->name, \
agent->pid, agent->host->name)

Prints the credential of the agent

Definition at line 61 of file agent.c.


#define AGENT_ERROR (   ...)
do { \
log_printf("ERROR: %s.%d: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
log_printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
log_printf("\n"); } while(0)

ERROR macro specifically for agents

Definition at line 71 of file agent.c.


con_printf(job_log(agent->owner), "JOB[%d].%s[%d.%s]: ", \
agent->owner->id, agent->type->name, agent->pid, agent->host->name)

Prints the credential to the agent log

Definition at line 66 of file agent.c.


#define AGENT_NOTIFY (   ...)
if(TEST_NOTIFY) do { \
log_printf("NOTE: "); \
log_printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
log_printf("\n"); } while(0)
Definition: logging.h:93

NOTIFY macro specifically for agents

Definition at line 78 of file agent.c.


if(TVERB_AGENT) do { \
log_printf(__VA_ARGS__); } while(0)

STANDARD verbose macro changed for agents

Definition at line 92 of file agent.c.


#define AGENT_WARNING (   ...)
if(TEST_WARNING) do { \
log_printf("WARNING %s.%d: ", __FILE__, __LINE__); \
log_printf(__VA_ARGS__); \
log_printf("\n"); } while(0)
Definition: logging.h:100

WARNING macro specifically for agents

Definition at line 85 of file agent.c.


#define SELECT_STRING (   passed)    MK_STRING_LIT(AGENT_##passed),

Array of C-Strings used to pretty-print the agent status in the log file. Uses the X-Macro defined in agent.h

Definition at line 109 of file agent.c.


#define TEST_NULL (   a,
if(!a) { \
errno = EINVAL; ERROR("agent passed is NULL, cannot proceed"); return ret; }
#define ERROR(...)
Definition: logging.h:79

Test if paramater is NULL.

Like TEST_NULV(), returns ret instead of void.

aObject to check
retValue to return if a is NULL
See also

Definition at line 57 of file agent.c.


#define TEST_NULV (   a)
if(!a) { \
errno = EINVAL; ERROR("agent passed is NULL, cannot proceed"); return; }

Test if paramater is NULL.

If parameter is NULL, set the errno, write the error and return void.

aObject to check

Definition at line 47 of file agent.c.

Function Documentation

◆ add_meta_agent()

int add_meta_agent ( GTree *  meta_agents,
char *  name,
char *  cmd,
int  max,
int  spc 

Creates a new meta agent and adds it to the list of meta agents. This will parse the shell command that will start the agent process.

meta_agentsGTree of meta agents available for the scheduler
namethe name of the meta agent (e.g. "nomos", "copyright", etc...)
cmdthe shell command used to the run the agent
maxthe max number of this type of agent that can run concurrently
spcanything special about the agent type

Definition at line 1343 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_close_fd()

static int agent_close_fd ( int *  pid_ptr,
agent_t agent,
agent_t excepted 

This will close all of the agent's pipes.

This function will be called by g_tree_foreach() which is the reason for its formatting.

pid_ptrthe key that was used to store this agent
agentthe agent that is being closed
exceptedthis is an agent we don't want to close, this is it
always returns 0 to indicate that the traversal should continue

Definition at line 129 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_create_event()

void agent_create_event ( scheduler_t scheduler,
agent_t agent 

Event created when a new agent has been created.

This means that the agent has been allocated internally and the fork() call has successfully executed. The agent has not yet communicated with the scheduler when this event is created.

schedulerthe scheduler reference to which agent has to attach
agentthe agent that has been created.

Definition at line 1048 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_death_event()

void agent_death_event ( scheduler_t scheduler,
pid_t *  pid 

Event created when a SIGCHLD is received for an agent. If one SIGCHILD is received for several process deaths, there will be seperate events for each pid.

schedulerthe scheduler reference to which process was attached to
pidthe pid of the process that died

Definition at line 979 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_destroy()

void agent_destroy ( agent_t agent)

Frees the memory associated with an agent.

This include:

  1. All of the files that are open in the agent
  2. All of the pipes still open for the agent
  3. Inform the os that the process can die using a waitpid()
  4. Free the internal data structure of the agent
agentthe agent to destroy

Definition at line 951 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_fail_event()

void agent_fail_event ( scheduler_t scheduler,
agent_t agent 

Fails an agent.

This will move the agent status to AG_FAILED and send a SIGKILL to the relevant agent. It will also update the agents status within the job that owns it and close the associated communication thread.

schedulerthe scheduler to which agent is attached
agentthe agent that is failing.

Definition at line 1129 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_init()

agent_t* agent_init ( scheduler_t scheduler,
host_t host,
job_t job 

Allocate and spawn a new agent.

The agent that is spawned will be of the same type as the meta_agent that is passed to this function and the agent will run on the host that is passed.

schedulerthe scheduler this agent is being created under
hostthe machine to start the agent on
jobthe job that this agent belongs to

Definition at line 829 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_kill()

void agent_kill ( agent_t agent)

Unclean kill of an agent.

This simply sends a SIGKILL to the agent and lets everything else get cleaned up normally.

agentthe agent to kill

Definition at line 1250 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_kill_traverse()

static int agent_kill_traverse ( int *  pid,
agent_t agent,
gpointer  unused 

GTraversalFunction that kills all of the agents.

This is used for an unclean death since all of the child processes will be sent a kill signal instead of existing cleanly.

pidthe process id associated with the agent
agenta pointer to the information associated with an agent
always returns 0 to indicate that the traversal should continue

Definition at line 202 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_list()

static int agent_list ( char *  name,
meta_agent_t ma,
GOutputStream *  ostr 

GTraverseFunction that will print the name of every agent in alphabetical order separated by spaces.

namethe name of the agent
mathe meta_agents structure associated with the specific name
ostrthe output stream to write the data to, socket in this case
always returns 0 to indicate that the traversal should continue

Definition at line 217 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_listen()

static void agent_listen ( scheduler_t scheduler,
agent_t agent 

Main function used for agent communication. This is where the communication thread will spend the majority of its time.

schedulerPointer to scheduler interface
agenta the agent that will be listened on

Start by getting the version information from the agent. The agent should send "VERSION: <string>" where the string is the version information. there are five things that can happen here.

  1. the agent sends correct version information => continue
  2. this is the first agent to send version info => save version and continue
  3. the agent sends incorrect version information => invalidate the agent
  4. the agent doesn't send version information => invalidate the agent
  5. the agent crashed before sending information => close the thread

If we reach here the agent has correctly sent VERION information to the scheduler. The agent now enters a listening loop. The communication thread will wait for input from the agent, and act according to the agents current state and what was sent

any command prepended by "@@@" is a message from the scheduler to the communication thread, not from the agent.
  • command: "BYE"

    The agent has finished processing all of the data from the relevant job. This command is follow by a return code. 0 indicates that it completed correctly, anything else can be used as an error code. Regardless of whether the agent completed, the communication thread will shutdown.

  • command "@@@1"

    The scheduler needs the communication thread to shutdown. This will normally only happen if the agent crashes and the scheduler receives a SIGCHLD for it before it sends "BYE #".

  • command "@@@0"

    The scheduler has updated the data that the agent should be processing. This is sent after an agent sends the "OK" command, and the scheduler has processed the resulting agent_ready_event().

  • command: "OK"

    The agent is ready for data. This is sent it 2 situations:

    1. the agent has completed startup and is ready for the first part of the data that needs to be analyzed for the job
    2. the agent has finished the last piece of the job it was working on and is ready for the next piece or to be shutdown
  • command: "HEART"

    Given the size of jobs that can be processed by FOSSology, agents can take an extremely long period of time to finish. To make sure that an agent is still working it must periodically update the scheduler with how much of the job it has processed.

  • command: "EMAIL"

    Agents have the ability to set the message that will be sent with the notification email. This grabs the message and sets inside the job that the agent is running under.

  • command: "SPECIAL"

    Agents can set special attributes that change how it is treated during execution. This grabs the command and whether it is being set to true or false. Agents use this by calling fo_scheduler_set_special() in the agent api.

  • command: GETSPECIAL

    The agent has requested the value of a special attribute. The scheduler will respond with the value of the special attribute.

  • command: unknown

    The agent didn't use a legal command. This will simply put what the agent printed into the log and move on.

Definition at line 264 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_pause()

void agent_pause ( agent_t agent)

Pauses an agent, this will pause the agent by sending a SIGSTOP to the process and then decrease the load on the host machine.

agentthe agent to pause

Definition at line 1191 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_print_status()

void agent_print_status ( agent_t agent,
GOutputStream *  ostr 

Prints the status of the agent to the output stream provided.

The formating for this is as such:

`agent:<pid> host:<host> type:<type> status:<status> time:<time>`
agentAgent to get info from
ostrStream to write info to

Definition at line 1220 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_ready_event()

void agent_ready_event ( scheduler_t scheduler,
agent_t agent 

Event created when an agent is ready for more data.

This will event will be created when an agent first communicates with the scheduler, so this will handle changing its status to AG_RUNNING. This will also be created every time an agent finishes a block of data.

schedulerthe scheduler reference to which agent is attached
agentthe agent that is ready

Definition at line 1069 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_spawn()

static void* agent_spawn ( agent_spawn_args pass)

Spawns a new agent using the command passed in using the meta agent.

This function will call the fork and exec necessary to create a new agent. As a result what this function does will change depending on if it is running in the child or the parent.

child: Will duplicate the stdin, stdout, and stderr pipes for printing to the scheduler, parse the command line options for the agent and start the agent. It will then call exec to start the new agent process

parent: This will enter the listen function, and wait for information from the child, either as a failure or as an update for the information being analyzed

passa pointer to scheduler_t and the new agent_t

Definition at line 656 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_test()

static int agent_test ( const gchar *  name,
meta_agent_t ma,
scheduler_t scheduler 

GTraversalFunction that tests the current agent on every host.

This will traverse the list of hosts and start an agent that is of the type of the current meta agent on every host.

nameThe name of the meta agent
maThe meta_agent structure needed for agent creation
schedulerThe scheduler object to test the agents on
Always return 0

Definition at line 238 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_transition()

void agent_transition ( agent_t agent,
agent_status  new_status 

Changes the status of the agent internal to the scheduler. This function is used to transition between agent states instead of a raw set of the status so that correct printing of the verbose message is guaranteed

agentthe agent to change the status for
new_statusthe new status of the agentchar* sysconfdir = NULL; // system configuration directory (SYSCONFDIR)

Definition at line 1163 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_unpause()

void agent_unpause ( agent_t agent)

Unpause the agent, this will send a SIGCONT to the process regardless of if a SIGCONT was sent. If the process wasn't SIGSTOP'd this will do nothing. Also increases the load on the host.

agentthe agent to unpause

Definition at line 1204 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_update_event()

void agent_update_event ( scheduler_t scheduler,
void *  unused 

Event created when the scheduler receives a SIGALRM. This will loop over every agent and call the update function on it. This will kill any agents that are hung without heart beat or any agents that have stopped updating the number of item processed.

schedulerthe scheduler reference to inform
unusedneeded since this an event, but should be NULL

Definition at line 1114 of file agent.c.

◆ agent_write()

ssize_t agent_write ( agent_t agent,
const void *  buf,
int  count 

Write information to the communication thread for the agent. This is used when the scheduler needs to wake up or kill the thread used to talk to the agent. When using this function, one should always print "@@@..." where ... is the message that is actually getting sent.

agentthe agent to send the information to
bufthe actual data
countthe number of bytes to write to the agent
returns if the write was successful

Definition at line 1301 of file agent.c.

◆ aprintf()

int aprintf ( agent_t agent,
const char *  fmt,

Acts as a standard printf, but prints the agents instead of stdout. This is the main function used by the scheduler when communicating with the agents.

agentthe agent to send the formated data to
fmtthe formating string for the data
if the print was successful

Definition at line 1265 of file agent.c.

◆ is_agent_special()

int is_agent_special ( agent_t agent,
int  special_type 

tests if a particular agent has a specific special flag set

athe agent that should be tested
special_typein what way is the agent special
true or false

Definition at line 1380 of file agent.c.

◆ is_meta_special()

int is_meta_special ( meta_agent_t ma,
int  special_type 

tests if a particular meta agent has a specific special flag set

mathe meta agent that should be checked
special_typein what way is the agent special
true or false

Definition at line 1368 of file agent.c.

◆ kill_agents()

void kill_agents ( scheduler_t scheduler)

Call the agent_kill function for every agent within the system.

This will send a SIGKILL to every child process of the scheduler. Used when shutting down the scheduler.

Definition at line 1328 of file agent.c.

◆ list_agents_event()

void list_agents_event ( scheduler_t scheduler,
GOutputStream *  ostr 

Receive agent on interface.

Calls agent_list() and print evert agent attached to the scheduler.

schedulerthe scheduler to which agent is attached
ostrStream to write info to

Definition at line 1145 of file agent.c.

◆ meta_agent_decrease_count()

void meta_agent_decrease_count ( meta_agent_t ma)

Decrease the running agent count.

maAgent's meta

Definition at line 1399 of file agent.c.

◆ meta_agent_destroy()

void meta_agent_destroy ( meta_agent_t ma)

Free the memory associated with a meta_agent. This is a destructor, and as a result the meta_agent should not be used again after a call to this method

mathe meta_agent to clear

Definition at line 811 of file agent.c.

◆ meta_agent_increase_count()

void meta_agent_increase_count ( meta_agent_t ma)

Increase the running agent count.

maAgent's meta

Definition at line 1389 of file agent.c.

◆ meta_agent_init()

meta_agent_t* meta_agent_init ( char *  name,
char *  cmd,
int  max,
int  spc 

Creates a new meta agent.

This will take and parse the information necessary for the creation of a new agent instance. The name of the agent, the cmd for starting the agent, the number of these agents that can run simutaniously, and any special conditions for this agent. This function is where the cmd will get parsed to be passed as command line args to the new agent.

namethe name of the agent (i.e. nomos, buckets, etc...)
cmdthe command for starting the agent in a shell
maxthe number of these that can concurrently, -1 for no limit
spcany special conditions associated with the agent
meta_agent_t Meta agent

Definition at line 771 of file agent.c.

◆ shell_parse()

static void shell_parse ( char *  confdir,
int  user_id,
int  group_id,
char *  input,
char *  jq_cmd_args,
int  jobId,
int *  argc,
char ***  argv 

Parses the shell command that is found in the configuration file.

confdirThe configuration directory for FOSSology
user_idThe id of the user that created the job
group_idThe id of the group that created the job
inputThe command line that was in the agent configuration file
jq_cmd_argsExtra parameters required by agent (if any)
jobIdJob id (from db)
[out]argcReturns the number of arguments parsed
[out]argvThe parsed arguments

Definition at line 551 of file agent.c.

◆ test_agents()

void test_agents ( scheduler_t scheduler)

Calls the agent test function for every type of agent.

This is used when either the -t or -T option are used upon scheduler creation.

schedulerscheduler reference to test attached agents

Definition at line 1317 of file agent.c.

◆ update()

static int update ( int *  pid_ptr,
agent_t agent,
gpointer  unused 

Check the status and check in time of an agent.

  • If we haven't gotten a recent communication, close it
  • If it hasn't been performing tasks, close it
pid_ptrpointer to key in g_tree, is not used in this function
agentthe agent that needs to be updated
unuseddata that is also not used in this function
always returns 0 to indicate that the traversal should continue

Definition at line 152 of file agent.c.

Variable Documentation

◆ agent_status_strings

const char* agent_status_strings[]
Initial value:
#define SELECT_STRING(passed)
Definition: agent.c:109
#define AGENT_STATUS_TYPES(apply)
Definition: agent.h:50

Definition at line 110 of file agent.c.