FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
migrateConfig.php File Reference

prepare a system for pkg migrate testing. More...

Go to the source code of this file.


class  ConfigSys


 insertDeb ($objRef)
 insert the fossology debian line in /etc/apt/sources.list More...
 installFossology ($objRef, $migrate)
 Install fossology using either apt or yum. More...
 ckInstallLog ($log)
 Check the fossology install output for errors in the install. More...
 copyFiles ($files, $dest)
 copyFiles, copy one or more files to the destination, throws exception if file is not copied. More...
 configDebian ($osType, $osVersion)
 config a debian based system to install fossology. More...
 configYum ($objRef, $migrate)
 config yum on a redhat based system to install fossology. More...
 stop ($application)
 stop the application Assumes application is restartable via /etc/init.d/<script>. The application passed in should match the script name in /etc/init.d More...


global $Debian
global $RedHat
global $Migrate
 $debian = NULL
 $redHat = NULL
 $fedora = NULL
 $ubuntu = NULL
 $euid = posix_getuid()
if($euid !=0) if($argc > 1) $distros = array()
 $f = exec('cat /etc/issue', $dist, $dRtn)
 $testUtils = new TestRun()

Detailed Description

prepare a system for pkg migrate testing.

migrateConfig prepares a system for the installation of fossology packages and installs the fossology packages, then upgrate to the latest version of packages.

string$fossVersionthe version of fossology to install?
what should the api for this really be?
"$Id $" Created on Apr 15, 2014 by Vincent Ma

Definition in file migrateConfig.php.

Function Documentation

◆ ckInstallLog()

ckInstallLog (   $log)

Check the fossology install output for errors in the install.

These errors do not cause apt to think that the install failed, so the output should be checked for typical failures during an install of packages. See the code for the specific checks.

string$logthe output from a fossology install with packages

Definition at line 497 of file migrateConfig.php.

◆ configDebian()

configDebian (   $osType,

config a debian based system to install fossology.

copy postgres, php config files so that fossology can run.

string$osTypeeither Debian or Ubuntu
string$osVersionthe particular version to install

Definition at line 612 of file migrateConfig.php.

◆ configYum()

configYum (   $objRef,

config yum on a redhat based system to install fossology.

Copies the Yum configuration file for fossology to

object$objRef,areference to the ConfigSys object

Definition at line 670 of file migrateConfig.php.

◆ copyFiles()

copyFiles (   $files,

copyFiles, copy one or more files to the destination, throws exception if file is not copied.

The method can be used to rename a single file, but not a directory. It cannot rename multiple files.

mixed$filesthe files to copy (string), use an array for multiple files.
string$destthe destination path (must exist, must be writable).

@retrun boolean

Definition at line 540 of file migrateConfig.php.

◆ insertDeb()

insertDeb (   $objRef)

insert the fossology debian line in /etc/apt/sources.list

object$objRefthe object with the deb attribute

Definition at line 335 of file migrateConfig.php.

◆ installFossology()

installFossology (   $objRef,

Install fossology using either apt or yum.

installFossology assumes that the correct configuration for yum and the correct fossology version has been configured into the system.

object$objRefan object reference (should be to ConfigSys)

Definition at line 377 of file migrateConfig.php.

◆ stop()

stop (   $application)

stop the application Assumes application is restartable via /etc/init.d/<script>. The application passed in should match the script name in /etc/init.d

string$applicationthe application to stop. The application passed in should match the script name in /etc/init.d

Definition at line 754 of file migrateConfig.php.