FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 testGetAllCommentsEverything ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::getAllComments() with no skips. More...
 testGetAllCommentsWithSkips ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::getAllComments() with skips. More...
 testUpdateCommentAsAdmin ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateComment() as an admin. More...
 testUpdateCommentAsNonAdmin ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateComment() as non admin. More...
 testUpdateCommentAsAdminInvalidId ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateComment() with invalid id. More...
 testUpdateCommentFromArrayAsAdmin ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() as admin. More...
 testUpdateCommentFromArrayAsNonAdmin ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() as non admin. More...
 testUpdateCommentFromArrayInvalidId ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() with invalid id. More...
 testUpdateCommentFromArrayInvalidFields ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() with missing fields. More...
 testUpdateCommentFromArrayEmptyArray ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() with empty array. More...
 testUpdateCommentFromArrayEmptyValues ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() with empty values. More...
 testGetCommentValid ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::getComment() with valid id. More...
 testGetCommentInvalid ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::getComment() with invalid id. More...
 testInsertCommentAsAdmin ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::insertComment() as an admin. More...
 testInsertCommentAsNonAdmin ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::insertComment() as non admin. More...
 testInsertCommentEmptyValues ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::insertComment() with empty values. More...
 testToggleCommentAsAdmin ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::toggleComment() as admin. More...
 testToggleCommentAsNonAdmin ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::toggleComment() as non admin. More...
 testToggleCommentInvalidId ()
 Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::toggleComment() bad id. More...

Public Attributes

const COMMENTS_IN_DB = 7

Protected Member Functions

 setUp ()
 tearDown ()

Private Attributes


Detailed Description

Tests for LicenseStdCommentDao class @runTestsInSeparateProcesses @preserveGlobalState disabled

Definition at line 25 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ testGetAllCommentsEverything()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testGetAllCommentsEverything ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::getAllComments() with no skips.

  1. Fetch all set and unset comments
  2. Check the length of the array matches 7
  3. Check some values

Definition at line 79 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testGetAllCommentsWithSkips()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testGetAllCommentsWithSkips ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::getAllComments() with skips.

  1. Fetch all set comments only
  2. Check the length of the array matches 6
  3. Check unset comment is not in the array

Definition at line 108 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testGetCommentInvalid()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testGetCommentInvalid ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::getComment() with invalid id.

  1. Call function with invalid id
  2. Check if the function throws exception

Definition at line 354 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testGetCommentValid()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testGetCommentValid ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::getComment() with valid id.

  1. Call function with valid id
  2. Check if the function returns string or null
  3. Check if the function returns correct value

Definition at line 337 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testInsertCommentAsAdmin()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testInsertCommentAsAdmin ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::insertComment() as an admin.

  1. Add a new comment with some value
  2. Check if the function returns integer
  3. Check if the values are actually inserted in DB

Definition at line 369 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testInsertCommentAsNonAdmin()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testInsertCommentAsNonAdmin ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::insertComment() as non admin.

  1. Add a new comment with some value
  2. Check if the function returns -1

Definition at line 397 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testInsertCommentEmptyValues()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testInsertCommentEmptyValues ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::insertComment() with empty values.

  1. Add a new comment with empty values
  2. Check if the function returns -1

Definition at line 412 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testToggleCommentAsAdmin()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testToggleCommentAsAdmin ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::toggleComment() as admin.

  1. Toggle the comment
  2. Check if the function returns true
  3. Check if the values are updated in DB

Definition at line 428 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testToggleCommentAsNonAdmin()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testToggleCommentAsNonAdmin ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::toggleComment() as non admin.

  1. Toggle the comment as non admin
  2. Check if the function returns false

Definition at line 445 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testToggleCommentInvalidId()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testToggleCommentInvalidId ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::toggleComment() bad id.

  1. Toggle the comment with bad id
  2. Check if the function throws an exception

Definition at line 459 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testUpdateCommentAsAdmin()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testUpdateCommentAsAdmin ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateComment() as an admin.

  1. Update a comment with some value
  2. Check if the function returns true
  3. Check if the values are actually updated in DB

Definition at line 137 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testUpdateCommentAsAdminInvalidId()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testUpdateCommentAsAdminInvalidId ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateComment() with invalid id.

  1. Pass invalid comment id
  2. Check if the function throws exception

Definition at line 184 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testUpdateCommentAsNonAdmin()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testUpdateCommentAsNonAdmin ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateComment() as non admin.

  1. Update a comment with some value
  2. Check if the function returns false
  3. Check if the values are not updated in DB

Definition at line 165 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testUpdateCommentFromArrayAsAdmin()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testUpdateCommentFromArrayAsAdmin ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() as admin.

  1. Set user as admin
  2. Update two comments
  3. Check if the function returns 2
  4. Check if the DB is updated

Definition at line 201 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testUpdateCommentFromArrayAsNonAdmin()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testUpdateCommentFromArrayAsNonAdmin ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() as non admin.

  1. Set user as non admin
  2. Call function
  3. Check if the function returns false

Definition at line 238 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testUpdateCommentFromArrayEmptyArray()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testUpdateCommentFromArrayEmptyArray ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() with empty array.

  1. Set user as admin
  2. Call function with empty array
  3. Check if the function returns 0

Definition at line 301 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testUpdateCommentFromArrayEmptyValues()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testUpdateCommentFromArrayEmptyValues ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() with empty values.

  1. Set user as admin
  2. Call function with empty values
  3. Check if the function throws exception

Definition at line 319 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testUpdateCommentFromArrayInvalidFields()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testUpdateCommentFromArrayInvalidFields ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() with missing fields.

  1. Set user as admin
  2. Call function with missing fields
  3. Check if the function throws exception

Definition at line 280 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ testUpdateCommentFromArrayInvalidId()

Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::testUpdateCommentFromArrayInvalidId ( )

Test for LicenseStdCommentDao::updateCommentFromArray() with invalid id.

  1. Set user as admin
  2. Call function with invalid data
  3. Check if the function throws exception

Definition at line 259 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $dbManager

DbManager Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::$dbManager

DB manager to use

Definition at line 39 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ $licenseStdCommentDao

LicenseStdCommentDao Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::$licenseStdCommentDao

LicenseStdCommentDao object for test

Definition at line 43 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

◆ $testDb

TestPgDb Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::$testDb

Test DB

Definition at line 35 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.


integer Fossology\Lib\Dao\LicenseStdCommentDaoTest::COMMENTS_IN_DB = 7

Number of rows in license standard comments table.

Definition at line 31 of file LicenseStdCommentDaoTest.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: