FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
curScan Struct Reference

Struct that tracks state related to current file being scanned. More...

#include <nomos.h>

Collaboration diagram for curScan:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

char cwd [myBUFSIZ]
char targetDir [myBUFSIZ]
char targetFile [myBUFSIZ]
char filePath [myBUFSIZ]
long pFileFk
char pFile [myBUFSIZ]
char * licPara
char * matchBase
size_t targetLen
size_t cwdLen
struct stat stbuf
regmatch_t regm
list_t regfList
list_t fLicFoundMap
list_t parseList
list_t offList
list_t lList
char compLic [myBUFSIZ]
int nLines
int cliMode
char * tmpLics
char * licenseList [512]
GArray * indexList
GArray * theMatches
GArray * keywordPositions
GArray * docBufferPositionsAndOffsets
int currentLicenceIndex

Detailed Description

Struct that tracks state related to current file being scanned.


Definition at line 391 of file nomos.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ cliMode

int curScan::cliMode

boolean to indicate running from command line

Definition at line 412 of file nomos.h.

◆ compLic

char curScan::compLic[myBUFSIZ]

the license(s) found, None or NotLikely. comma separated if multiple names are found.

Definition at line 409 of file nomos.h.

◆ cwd

char curScan::cwd[myBUFSIZ]

CDB, Would like to workaround and eliminate.

Definition at line 392 of file nomos.h.

◆ filePath

char curScan::filePath[myBUFSIZ]

the original file path passed in

Definition at line 395 of file nomos.h.

◆ indexList

GArray* curScan::indexList

List of license indexes

Definition at line 416 of file nomos.h.

◆ keywordPositions

GArray* curScan::keywordPositions

List of matche positions

Definition at line 418 of file nomos.h.

◆ licenseList

char* curScan::licenseList[512]

list of license names found, can be a single name

Definition at line 414 of file nomos.h.

◆ pFile

char curScan::pFile[myBUFSIZ]

[in] pfilename from scheduler

Definition at line 397 of file nomos.h.

◆ pFileFk

long curScan::pFileFk

[in] pfile_fk from scheduler

Definition at line 396 of file nomos.h.

◆ targetDir

char curScan::targetDir[myBUFSIZ]

Directory where file is

Definition at line 393 of file nomos.h.

◆ targetFile

char curScan::targetFile[myBUFSIZ]

File we're scanning (tmp file)

Definition at line 394 of file nomos.h.

◆ theMatches

GArray* curScan::theMatches

List of matches

Definition at line 417 of file nomos.h.

◆ tmpLics

char* curScan::tmpLics

pointer to storage for parsed names

Definition at line 413 of file nomos.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: