FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
Fossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvExportTest Class Reference

Test for class LicenseCsvExport. More...

Inheritance diagram for Fossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvExportTest:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Fossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvExportTest:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 testCreateCsv ()
 Test for LicenseCsvExport::createCsv() More...
 testSetDelimiter ()
 Test for LicenseCsvExport::setDelimiter() More...
 testSetEnclosure ()
 Test for LicenseCsvExport::setEnclosure() More...

Protected Member Functions

 setUp ()
 One time setup for test. More...
 tearDown ()
 Close mockery. More...

Detailed Description

Test for class LicenseCsvExport.

Definition at line 20 of file LicenseCsvExportTest.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ setUp()

Fossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvExportTest::setUp ( )

One time setup for test.

See also

Definition at line 26 of file LicenseCsvExportTest.php.

◆ tearDown()

Fossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvExportTest::tearDown ( )

Close mockery.

See also

Definition at line 35 of file LicenseCsvExportTest.php.

◆ testCreateCsv()

Fossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvExportTest::testCreateCsv ( )

Test for LicenseCsvExport::createCsv()

  1. Setup test DB and insert some licenses.
  2. Call LicenseCsvExport::createCsv().
  3. Check if the file returned is correct.
  4. Test with different delimiters.

Definition at line 49 of file LicenseCsvExportTest.php.

◆ testSetDelimiter()

Fossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvExportTest::testSetDelimiter ( )

Test for LicenseCsvExport::setDelimiter()

  1. Initialize LicenseCsvExport.
  2. Set a new delimiter using LicenseCsvExport::setDelimiter().
  3. Check if the delimiter is changed.
  4. Set a new delimiter using LicenseCsvExport::setDelimiter().
  5. Check if the delimiter is changed with only the first character passed.

Definition at line 212 of file LicenseCsvExportTest.php.

◆ testSetEnclosure()

Fossology\Lib\Application\LicenseCsvExportTest::testSetEnclosure ( )

Test for LicenseCsvExport::setEnclosure()

  1. Initialize LicenseCsvExport.
  2. Set a new enclosure using LicenseCsvExport::setEnclosure().
  3. Check if the enclosure is changed.
  4. Set a new enclosure using LicenseCsvExport::setEnclosure().
  5. Check if the enclosure is changed with only the first character passed.

Definition at line 236 of file LicenseCsvExportTest.php.

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