FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
export_license_ref.php File Reference

export license_ref into licenseref.sql Added in 2.2.0 \exit 0: sucess; 1: failed More...

Go to the source code of this file.


 $Options = getopt("hf:", array("help"))
 $SchemaFilePath = ""
 $dump_command = "sudo su postgres -c 'pg_dump -f $SchemaFilePath -a -t license_ref --column-inserts fossology'"

Detailed Description

export license_ref into licenseref.sql Added in 2.2.0 \exit 0: sucess; 1: failed

Definition in file export_license_ref.php.

Variable Documentation

◆ $Usage

Initial value:
= "Usage: " . basename($argv[0]) . "
-h help, this message
-f {output file}
--help help, this message (Note: the user postgres should have write permission on the output file.)

Definition at line 17 of file export_license_ref.php.