FOSSology  4.5.0-rc1
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
agent Directory Reference

Source code for ununpack agent.


Directory dependency graph for agent:


file  checksum.c [code]
 Code to compute a three part checksum: SHA1.MD5.Size.
file  departition.c [code]
 Extract a partition table from file systems.
file  externs.h [code]
 Stores all extern variables used by the agent.
file  traverse.c [code]
 Traverse directories.
file  ununpack-ar.c [code]
 The universal unpacker - Code to unpack an AR file.
file  ununpack-disk.c [code]
 The universal unpacker code to unpack a disk file system.
file  ununpack-iso.c [code]
 The universal unpacker code to unpack an ISO file system.
file  ununpack-zstd.c [code]
 The universal unpacker - Code to unpack a ZSTd compressed file.
file  ununpack.c [code]
 Main file for ununpack agent.
file  ununpack_globals.h [code]
 Contains global declaration of variables.
file  utils.c [code]
 Contains all utility functions used by FOSSology.

Detailed Description

Source code for ununpack agent.