FOSSology  4.5.0
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
php Directory Reference

Common library functions for agents based on PHP language.



directory  Agent
 Library functions for agents.
directory  Application
 Utility functions for specific applications.


file  common-active.php [code]
 These are common functions for performing active HTTP requests. (Used in place of AJAX or ActiveX.)
file  common-agents.php [code]
 These are common functions used by analysis agents.
file  common-auth.php [code]
 This file contains common authentication function.
file  common-buckets.php [code]
 These are common bucket functions.
file  common-cache.php [code]
 General purpose classes used for fossology report cache.
file  common-cli.php [code]
 General purpose classes used by fossology CLI programs.
file  common-compare.php [code]
 These are common functions for the file picker and the diff tools.
file  common-container.php [code]
 Setup the dependency injection container for Symfony from
file  common-db.php [code]
 This file contains common database functions.
file  common-dir.php [code]
 Common Directory Functions.
file  common-folders.php [code]
 Common Folder Functions Design note: Folders could be stored in a menu listing (using menu_insert). However, since menu_insert() runs a usort() during each insert, this can be really slow. For speed, folders are handled separately.
file  common-job.php [code]
 Library of functions used by the UI to manage jobs.
file  common-license-file.php [code]
 This file contains common functions for the license_file and license_ref tables.
file  common-menu.php [code]
 Common menu functions.
file  common-parm.php [code]
 Common function of REQUEST parmeters.
file  common-perms.php [code]
 Library of common functions for permissions and groups.
file  common-pkg.php [code]
 This file contains common functions for the package agent.
file  common-plugin.php [code]
 Core functions for user interface plugins.
file  common-repo.php [code]
 This file contains common repository functions.
file  common-scheduler.php [code]
 Core functions for communicating with the scheduler (v2)
file  common-string.php [code]
 Common function to handle strings.
file  common-sysconfig.php [code]
 System configuration functions.
file  common-tags.php [code]
 Common functions for tag.
file  common-ui.php [code]
 Common function for UI operations.
file  common-users.php [code]
 This file contains common functions involving the users table.
file  common.php [code]
 These are common functions to be used by anyone.
file  fossdash-config.php [code]
 fossdash configuration functions.
file  libschema.php [code]
 Functions to bring database schema to a known state.

Detailed Description

Common library functions for agents based on PHP language.