FOSSology  4.5.0
Open Source License Compliance by Open Source Software
c Directory Reference

Contains FOSSology C library.


Directory dependency graph for c:


directory  tests
 Unit tests for libfossology.


file  fossconfig.c [code]
 FOSSology library to read config file.
file  fossconfig.h [code]
 FOSSology library to read config file.
file  fossconfigTest.c [code]
 Test for fossconfig.
file  libfossagent.c [code]
 libfossagent.c contains general use functions for agents.
file  libfossdb.c [code]
 Common libpq database functions.
file  libfossology.h [code]
 The main FOSSology C library.
file  libfossrepo.c [code]
 Repository access functions. All internal functions are prefixed by '_'.
file  libfossscheduler.c [code]
 Scheduler API for agents.
file  repcat.c [code]
 Cat a file from fo_repo to stdout.
file  repcopyin.c [code]
 Copy a file into the repository.
file  repexist.c [code]
 Check if a file exists.
file  rephost.c [code]
 Check the host of the file.
file  repmmapcheck.c [code]
 Check if mmap() works.
file  reppath.c [code]
 Display the path to the file.
file  repremove.c [code]
 Delete a repository entry.
file  repwrite.c [code]
 Create a file.
file  sqlCopy.c [code]
 sqlCopy buffers sql inserts and performs batch copy's to the database. Why do this? Because this method is roughtly 15x faster than individual sql inserts for a typical fossology table insert.
file  sqlCopyTest.c [code]
 This is a test program for sqlCopy functions.

Detailed Description

Contains FOSSology C library.