Coding Week 8 Meeting
- Gaurav Mishra
- Vasudev
- Ayush Bharadwaj
- Shreya Singh
- Kaushlendra Pratap Singh
- Omar AbdelSamea
Provided with more edge cases to retaliate.
Discussion whether a good model will result in good extraction and results.
Discussion over calculating the PRECISION of the algorithm using the predefined accuracies.
Different models for NER was discussed, like "en_core_web_md", "en_core_web_lg" & "en_core_web_trf"
Discussions over the process of clutter removal from the copyrights. E.g.
Original Copyright:
Copyright (c) 2018 Kaushlendra Pratap. Distributed under the MIT license.........
After Clutter Removal:
Copyright (c) 2018 Kaushlendra Pratap.
A REGEX based approach was discussed to extract the exact copyright statements out and decided to keep it as a last resort.
An approach using the heuristic approach was taken as two pointers to go from one NER extracted entity till the exact thing is acquired.
After long discussions over approaches and the edge cases that should be encountered, the final approach included the STRING MANIPULATION.
The edge cases decided was:
- ['ORG'] encountered
- ['PERSON'] encountered
- ['ORG] and ['PERSON'] both were encountered
- Hard code string value if "All rights reserved" or "Distributed under the licenses" was present
- Finally the regex approach for the left out cases.
The time complexity of the algorithm was under the close watch
Week 8 Progress
The edge cases provided were screened through the algorithm and results were improved.
Several models were tried including all the en_core_web(md, lg and trf).
The accuracy was not impacted as such using the heavy models.
The most accuracy was given by "en_core_web_trf", i.e. 89.06 from 89.02 which is a minor change but on the other, the implementation time for 100 thousand copyright statements was 1.2 hours.
Performance over accuracy was chosen. (Stayed with "en_core_web_sm")
The accuracy of 100 thousand copyrights were stretched to 90 - 91% approx.
Final accuracy variable was created with the formula of PRECISION:
The PRECISION was calculated to be: 94.07% (for 100 thousand copyright statements)
The clutter removal flag was created and developed in such a way that,
USER: Provides FLAG => 1
IF FLAG is True:
CALL FUNC() -> Remove clutter
TWO edge cases of clutter removal were covered, i.e. the hardcoded string-based and ['ORG'] was present.
Wiki has been Updated
Conclusion and Further Plans
Different level of clutter removal should be implemented.