Week 3
Coding Week 3 Meeting 1
Week 2 Progress
- Populated scancode database successfully.
- license relevant
text highlight
is working. - Scancode is working fine for license scanning.
- Agent testing would be done after implementing rest of information (copyright, emails, urls).
- Start implementing copyright, email and urls scanning for scancode toolkit.
- Optimisation related to showing percentage match for a license is required. Scancode have a plugin
--license-score INTEGER
for this purpose.- shows only those licenses above a certain threshold value.
- Change
detector type
to 4. - Gaurav Solved queries related to various fields present in fossology database.
Conclusion and Further Plans
- Adding text url and name for license inserting for the first time.
- Search how to get reference text for match licenses.
- start implementing agent for copyright, email and urls scanned results.
Coding Week 3 Meeting 2
- How many numbers of tables should be created in the FOSSology database?
- Gaurav, Shaheem suggested that two new tables, one for copyright and other for author information would be fine.
- Still have to vote what majority of mentors will suggest on Monday on the slack channel.
- Facing difficulties to understand FOSSology UI code so there will be a meeting on Monday in which we'll discuss about the flow of copyright agent's UI code.
Conclusion and Further Plans
- Create copyright and author tables in FOSSology database.
- Update scheduler code to add these information after extracting from ScanCode scan result.