Community Bonding
Meeting 1
(June 2nd, 2022)
First GSOC 2022 weekly update meeting
- Understood the flow and processes of the weekly updates meetings organized by the Organisation.
- Discussed and came to fix a suitable time for project-specific weekly meetings (Every Tuesday from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM GMT)
- Explained the fixes issued during this week and the possibilities of more upcoming fixes.
- Some project-specific doubts cleared regarding the API testing
Conclusion and Further Plans
- Currently will be looking for scopes to modularise the larger components into smaller components for better reusability and flexibility in future updates.
- Will be testing the APIs and if issues are found will be reporting them to the mentors and will be issuing respective fixes for them.
Meeting 2
(June 9th, 2022)
GSOC 2022 weekly update meeting
- Understood the flow and processes of the weekly updates meetings organized by the Organisation.
- Discussed and came to fix a suitable time for project-specific weekly meetings (Every Tuesday from 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM GMT)
- Explained the resuablity of the constants in some components.
- The flow of the development during the GSOC period was discussed upon.
Conclusion and Further Plans
- Students will be creating tickets and they will be assiged by the mentors to fix the issues.
- Necessary KT session will be conducted in the Project specific meets to discuss the issues and fix them.