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Week 3

Goals for the week

Sl. No.Initial GoalsCompleted
1.Resolve the requested changes by mentors in the existing PRsDone
2.Settting up the fossology main repo devlopment environmentDone
3.Getting started with the creation of REST API for adding a userstarted

Roadblocks / hurdles

  • Since, I am using a macOS based system, As quoted by the mentors --- fossology isn't compatible with macOS, It has to be a linux distribution (ubuntu/fedora).
  • With lots of research, I finally decided to install a virtual machine. Most of the virtual machines weren't compatible with the arm architecture.
  • Finally I got one VM service which was supported in my system. It is called UTM.
  • After setting up UBUNTU 22.04 on my VM, and installing all the dependencies via sudo utils/fo-installdeps, fossology still threw the following error, cli-error-install-fossology

P.S.~ Currently, I'm stuck here. I will be giving one more day to resolve this. If the error still persists, I'll be moving onto developing the pages in the UI Project which are not implemented.


  • Finally, I am able to do some progress. I was able to set up fossology on my machine using a local VM instance and used ssh for development via vs-code.
  • Currently, I'm refering to the OPENAPI(Swagger) docs and trying to test the existing apis to understand the flow.

Conclusion and further plans

  • Currently, I'm designing the addUser API in the openapi.yaml file.
  • In the next week, I'll be implementing /users POST route for creating a new user via REST API.