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GSoC'24 @ FOSSology

FOSSology is looking forward for participating in Google Summer of Code 2024.

You can visit our idea page for GSoC 2024.

More info to come here.


ContributorProjectFinal Reports
Aaditya SinghOverhaul Scheduler DesignVisit
Abdelrahman JamalAI Powered License DetectionVisit
Abhishek KumarSupport SPDX 3.0 ReportsVisit
Akash SahSPDX License ExpressionVisit
Divij SharmaREST API ImprovementsVisit
Rajul JhaImproving CI ScannerVisit
Shreya GautamData Pipeline-
Valens NiyonsengaText phrase scanningVisit

Proposed Mentors

Meetings table

Topic(s)TimingsMeeting linkICS
General MeetingThursday 13:30 - 14:30 UTCJitsi.ics
REST APITuesday 11:00 - 11:50 UTCJitsi.ics
SPDX RelatedTuesday 10:30 - 11:20 UTCJitsi.ics
CI ScannerWednesday 10:30 - 11:00 UTCJitsi.ics
Scheduler OverhaulFriday 10:30 - 11:00 UTCJitsi.ics
AI Powered ScannersThursday 10:30 - 11:20 UTCJitsi.ics


Here are some screen captures of the conclusion meeting of GSoC 2023 with all mentors and contributors.

group photo1 [Participants photo 1]

group photo2 [Participants photo 2]

group photo3 [Participants photo 3]

group photo4 [Participants photo 1]

Thanks for being part of the community. 💚