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Week 1

Welcome to meeting minutes page for GSoC 2024 at FOSSology 30-05-2024.




  • Shaheem Azmal M MD: General updates regarding project. The contributors shall update the GSoC Documentation tool before joining the thursday call.

  • Gaurav Mishra: Explains about the GSoC Documentation tool. Different rules to contribute the code and documentation.

Updates from contributors

  • Abdelrahman jamal

    • Basic code to parse file text from fossology and prompt it to different LLM's. LLM is giving license names and also gives multiple licenses, empty in case of no license found.

    • Checking which LLM is best.

  • Shreya Gautam

    • Absent.
  • Aaditya Singh

    • Fossology installation done. created a pull request to enhance cross-platform compatibility and line encoding issues.

    • Discussed with mentor to solve other issue with mimetype agent.

  • Abhishek Kumar

    • Exploring and working on SPDX 3.0 JSON format will be opening the pull request soon.
  • Akash Sah

    • I was looking into ways to store the license expressions. Found Abstract syntax as one way. i have shared the document to mentors to take a call.
  • Divij Sharma

    • No major updates i was looking into ways to implement OAUTH via API.
  • Rajul Jha

    • In call with mentors we have discussed on general milestone for CI/CD project. Working on line number extraction and differencial scans.
  • Valens Niyonsenga

    • I Dont have many updates i have gone through the idea regarding Monk based text scanning. need to discuss further on how to start.