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Meeting 14

(June 28,2024)



  • Aaditya Singh:

    Shared the updated architecture of the Scheduler via this link for team review:

    Scheduler Architecture

    Detailed enhancements to overcome specific challenges:

    1. Deadlock handling through channels facilitating communication between two semaphores, intended to transmit data structures, ideally integers representing user IDs or group IDs.
    2. Addressing race conditions among go-routines.
    3. Implementing a heartbeat mechanism between go-routines and a load balancer, utilizing channels to check the state of go-routines, returning a boolean value to minimize overhead in frequent signaling.
  • Shaheem Azmal M MD: Emphasized the importance of package size as a critical parameter in Fossology, suggesting communication to users about partitioning large packages or providing a UI page for package size-related settings.

    Admin Scheduler

  • Katharina Ettinger: Questioned the criteria for determining whether packages are of larger or smaller size before processing begins.

  • Shaheem Azmal M MD: Clarified that the Unpackage agent determines the package size, stating that the current setup looks promising and encouraged starting coding for further enhancements.

  • Katharina Ettinger: Inquired about the possibility of pausing smaller packages as a form of context switching.

  • Aaditya Singh: Noted that context switching is currently handled under go-routines, which are synchronized per user, making pausing not feasible at the moment.

  • Shaheem Azmal M MD: Suggested the development of a web page to make informed decisions based on package size.

  • Avinal Kumar: Complimented the improvements from the previous version and recommended proceeding with coding.