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Week 1 meeting and activities

(May 28,2024)



Prototype Presentation

  • Presented a prototype for scanning expressions with OJO.
  • Initially, I was storing expressions directly as strings.
  • Received feedback that storing expressions as strings could not allow modifications.
  • Recieved suggestion to store license names as their references (licenseId) and the relationships between them (operators).

Schema Proposal

  • Was asked to propose a schema for storing license expressions.
  • Inquired if using a graph database like Neo4j would be suitable.
  • It was considered a good idea but mentors suggested not to use it as mixing two databases (PostgreSQL and Neo4j) would complicate things.


  • Researched various methods to store license expressions.
  • Found that an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) is a good way to store expressions.
  • Proposed two types of schema for storing license expressions.