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Week 3

Welcome to meeting minutes page for GSoC 2024 at FOSSology 13-06-2024.




Updates from contributors

  • Abdelrahman jamal

    • Tested different model using Semantic Search which tries to find similar match.

    • Test semantic transformer, and work on basic license identifier.

  • Shreya Gautam

    • Absent.
  • Aaditya Singh

    • Based on my last discussion with mentors, rewriting the scheduler code from C language to go. Raised a PR for the same.

    • Trying to implement queue. also working on CLI code

  • Abhishek Kumar

    • Worked on generation of SPDX 3.0 JSON format. Looking in to validation of generated reports. will start work on RDF report soon.
  • Akash Sah

    • As per my discussion with mentors im using the JSON format to convert the license expression and store it to database(successful).

    • Worked on creating UI for the same. currently looking into adding comments acknowledgements and text for license expression.

  • Divij Sharma

    • Finished implementation of OAUTH via API. Currently looking into API upgrade from V1 to V2.
  • Rajul Jha

    • Working on adding the line number support for repo scan. will be working on nomos and ojo part.
  • Valens Niyonsenga

    • I have added the unit test cases for API's like License, Group and upload. I have opened the pull request for the same.