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Week 4

Welcome to meeting minutes page for GSoC 2024 at FOSSology 20-06-2024.




Updates from contributors

  • Abdelrahman jamal

    • Worked on Semantic Search which tries to find similar match.

    • Test semantic transformer, and work on basic license identifier.(Demo on current implementation)

  • Shreya Gautam

    • Absent.
  • Aaditya Singh

    • Based on my last discussion with mentors, I have created a gap analysis. and worked on the architecture (Demo on current structure).
  • Abhishek Kumar

    • Worked on generation of SPDX 3.0 JSON format. Validation tool is not compatible with SPDX 3.0 JSON format(Gaurav will speak with linux community regarding this). working on RDF report.
  • Akash Sah

    • Finished work on creating UI for license expression. implemented adding comments acknowledgements and text for license expression.(Demo on current implementation)
  • Divij Sharma

    • Finished implementation of OAUTH via API(Demo on OAUTH). Currently working on copyright endpoing to get user copyrights.
  • Rajul Jha

    • Editing the nomos scanner including byte info(Stuck), Started working on custom keyword part, Change in GH Action Workflow (Working), 4 mints for new workflow earlier 17 secs.
  • Valens Niyonsenga

    • I have added the unit test cases for API's like License, Group and upload. I will be looking to finish with the license API test cases this week.

    • Looking into youtube videos to understand FOSSology More.