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Community bonding

Meeting 1

(May 7, 2024)


This was the first meeting with mentors and other fellow contributors. In this meeting, mentors and contributors introduced themselves. We agreed on the time and platform for general weekly meetings.

Meeting 2

(May 9, 2024)


  • In this meeting, mentors talked about what we can do in community bonding period and emphasized the importance of communication in open source community.
  • Q&A session was held to address the general issues.

Week 1 Activities

(May 9, 2024 - May 15, 2024)

  • Revised the basics of PHP and Template Engine- TWIG and other skills required for the project.
  • Gone through the documentation and codebase to get clear idea how SPDX v2.3 was implemented and what are the changes that are needed to be related to the project.

Meeting 3

(May 16, 2024)


  • Contributors provided updates on their progress.
  • Mentors checked if everyone was able to set up their local development environment.

Week 2 Activities

(May 16, 2024 - May 22, 2024)

  • I had some issues while setting up the local environment as I was working on ARM architecture machine having Ubuntu 22.04 installed on my virtual machine.
  • So, I rectified the issue by commenting out the installation of python dependencies in file, as it was creating conflicts with other installed dependencies.

Meeting 4

(May 23, 2024)


  • Contributors shared their updates.
  • Mentors urged contributors to address some of the issues to enhance their understanding of the project.
  • Timing for the specific-project weekly meetings were finalized.