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Week 6 meeting and activities

(July 02,2024)



  • Presented my work upon the tag:value report following the SPDX v3.0 JSON-ld report and previous SPDX v2.3 tag:value report.
  • Also I discussed with Gaurav Mishra, regarding the Licensing Profile that are needed in the report and got a feedback that:
    • Simple Licensing Profile will be sufficient to define the license text and license expression in the file.
    • However, upon closer inspection for Expanded Licensing Profile, we need following fields as well:
      • seeAlso
      • ConjunctiveLicenseSet
      • DisjunctiveLicenseSet
      • NoneLicense
      • NoAssertionLicense
  • Next Step: Will be working on the suggested fields by the mentor for the Licensing profile.


  • Finished working on the tag:value report for Core and Software profile.