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Week 1 meeting and activities

(May 30,2024)



  • Who should be doing what?

    • Discussed project responsibilities with my colleague Valens and mentors.
    • We decided that currently I will focus on the REST API Version 2 upgrade and OAuth 2.0 implementation, while Valens would work on adding test cases for the current REST API implementation.
  • REST API Version 2 updates

    • I mentioned that the work on the REST API Version 2 upgrade is almost complete and suggested we can start looking for any further improvements.
    • Mentors suggested I should review the code and look for any possible improvements based on my proposed guidelines. (REST API Guidelines).
  • OAuth 2.0 architecture discussion and needs

    • Gaurav explained the various modes of authentication we aim to have in the FOSSology project. These are:
      • Token based authentication
      • Authorization Code Grant (Web Application)
      • Client Credentials Grant (Machine to Machine)
    • I cleared my doubts regarding the OAuth 2.0 implementation and its significance in the project. I also got a rough vision of what needs to be implemented and what is already implemented. (Reference Material)


  • Tested the REST API Version 2 on a local instance and noted down the improvements that can be made.
  • Researched on OAuth 2.0 and how it can be implemented in the project.
  • Did minor improvements in the following PR: