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Week 8 meeting and activities

(July 16,2024)



  • Discussed the implementation of /jobs, /jobs/{id}, /jobs/all endpoints.
  • Following suggestions/improvements were discussed:
    1. The /jobs/history endpoint can be safely deprecated in V2, since the same functionality can be achieved by using the /jobs?upload=<id> endpoint.
    2. The startTime and endTime fields in the jobQueue do not contain the timezone information. It was suggested to add the timezone information to these fields and make the format consistent with the queueDate field.
    3. The output should be sorted by the queueDate field in descending order, so that the latest jobs are displayed first.
    4. For the failing tests, it was suggested to cut out additional data from the mid-function calls and mock the object as a whole.
  • Briefly discussed and reviewed the test case development for the REST API with Valens.
