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Week 4 meeting and activities

(June 18,2024)



  • Gave updates and demo on previous week's work.
  • Discussed on the endpoint requirements for the One Shot Analysis and User Copyright Findings.
  • Resolved some queries regarding the architecture of APIs.


  • One Shot Analysis

    • Exposed 3 new endpoints to enable One Shot Analysis in the REST API:
      • /uploads/oneshot/nomos to run a Nomos scan on the uploaded file.
      • /uploads/oneshot/monk to run a Monk scan on the uploaded file.
      • /uploads/oneshot/ceu to run Copyright, Email and URL scan on the uploaded file.
    • All of these endpoints accept a file binary and return the scan results in the following format:
      • Data Type : What is the scan returning (Nomos, Monk, CEU). Can take values like license and copyright.
      • Highlight : The highlighted text in the scan results based on the data type (license, copyright, emails, URLs etc).
    • Decided on not returning the scanned file in the response as it increases unnecessary load on the server. It can always be accessed from the frontend.
    • Uplink PR: feat(api): Added OneShot analysis endpoints for license & copyright
  • User Copyright Findings

    • Exposed 5 new endpoints to enable User Copyright operations in the REST API:
      • /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/user-copyrights to retrieve user copyright findings.
      • /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/user-copyrights/{hash} to deactivate user copyright findings.
      • /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/user-copyrights/{hash} to restore deactivated user copyright findings.
      • /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/user-copyrights/{hash} to update user copyright findings.
      • /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/totalusercopyrights to get the count of user copyright findings.
    • Uplink PR: feat(api): New endpoints to get/delete/restore/update user copyright findings
  • OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow

    • Created the complete OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow for the new UI.
    • Exposed the following endpoints to enable the mechanism:
      • /oauth/login to get the authorization redirect URL from the server.
      • /oauth/callback to exchange the authorization code for an access token.
    • Below is how the flow works:
      • Frontend will hit the /oauth/login endpoint to get the authorization URL and will be redirected to the authorization URL for the user to log in.
      • User will log in and authorize the client application, and they will be redirected back to the frontend with an authorization code and a state (to prevent CSRF attacks).
      • Frontend will hit the /oauth/callback endpoint with the authorization code and state to get the access token. The access token will be stored in the frontend and will be used to access the FOSSology API.
        • The authorization code will be exchanged for an access token by the FOSSology server using the configs.
        • This token will be decoded, and the user will be authenticated if they have the same client id added in their active clients.
        • The drawback with this is the the user needs to know the client id to access the API.
    • Made a client side application OAuthFossy to test the flow.
    • Uplink PR: feat(oauth): Added Authorization Code Grant OAuth functionality


  • One Shot Analysis

    • POST /uploads/oneshot/nomos to run a Nomos scan on the uploaded file. Nomos
    • POST /uploads/oneshot/monk to run a Monk scan on the uploaded file. Monk
    • POST /uploads/oneshot/ceu to run Copyright, Email and URL scan on the uploaded file. CEU
  • User Copyright Findings

    • GET /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/user-copyrights to retrieve user copyright findings. get
    • DELETE /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/user-copyrights/{hash} to deactivate user copyright findings. delete
    • PATCH /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/user-copyrights/{hash} to restore deactivated user copyright findings. patch
    • PUT /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/user-copyrights/{hash} to update user copyright findings. put
    • GET /uploads/{id}/item/{itemId}/totalusercopyrights to get the count of user copyright findings. count
  • OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow

    • GET /oauth/login to get the authorization redirect URL from the server. login
    • POST /oauth/callback to exchange the authorization code for an access token. callback