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Week 2 meeting and activities

(June 6,2024)



  • No major updates since the last meeting.
  • Discussed the improvements that can be made in the REST API Version 2.
  • Discussed the implementation of OAuth 2.0 in the project.


  • OAuth 2.0

    • Researched OAuth 2.0 and its application on production servers. Found the Auth0 article particularly helpful. Studied various architectural patterns for different flows to determine the best fit for our project.

    • Prepared a draft outlining the implementation details, focusing on two scenarios:

      • For the API:

        • Create an endpoint to add new clients, accepting name, clientId, and scope.
        • Another endpoint to configure FOSSology, accepting appName, clientId, clientSecret, clientClaim, redirectUri, and discoveryUri. The discoveryUri will be used to fetch other required endpoints.
        • Once these steps are completed, FOSSology will be configured to use OAuth 2.0. Users can obtain a token from their authorization server to access the FOSSology API.
      • For the Web Application:

        • Implement the Authorization Code Grant flow for the frontend. This requires a login page where users can log in and receive a code, which can be exchanged for a token to access the FOSSology API.
        • Researched libraries to implement this flow on the frontend.
        • On the server side, implement a mechanism to verify user credentials received from the server and issue a token to the user.
  • REST API Version 2

    • Reviewed the code and identified areas for improvement.
    • Found the following things which we can look into:
      • Status Codes: Particularly 204 (no content)
      • Adding pagination to all necessary endpoints
      • Using model classes for all major/minor responses
      • Test coverage
      • Authentication workflow